Friday, November 30, 2007

Singaporean gathering - food galore

Forgot to blog that we had a Singaporean birthday gathering last Sunday too. And like all gatherings with Singaporeans, the food was heavenly! Stephan didn´t come cos though he wanted to use the time to study, but ended up playing computer games the whole day. Don´t we all need that? ***stoning time****

The first 30 mins were spent eating and eating and eating! I felt like I was in my dream and happily eating away, without having to wake up and only realize that its a dream. I attempted to take more photos this time, but only succeeded at the beginning, cos needless to say, the rest of the time was spent eating and talking, till the cows come home.

I baked the cheesecake on the right - with smarties

I attempted to take a photo of all the kids , but as you can see it wasn´t very successful either...

That´s Filina - the little girl from my friend Anja. She kept playing with the guitar and saying "Hallelujah"


Steph said...

nice that you can have some fellowship with singaporeans. i'm sure it's good to eat and speak singlish...haha

Pris said...

Dear Steph! You bet! Its just nice to be able to talk in a mixture of everything! Like for once, my brain can take a break! haha, How are you doing?


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