Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First week without Stephan

Stephan started work yesterday and so this would be the first time in 7 months that we wouldn´t have all the time together. Trust us to get sentimental about this on Sunday evening. The past 7 months of being able to spend all the time together since Stephan came over to Singapore in January 2006, were really awesome. It was so wonderful to do DTS together, have spare time together, go for meals together and also get on each other´s nerves together. Heehee. I know some couples wouldn´t want to spend so much time together, but for us it felt like God really set the time aside for us to get to know each other on a deeper and more intimate level since we had so much time of long-distance. We strongly recommend any of you reading this blog, to go for Discipleship Training School! Words can´t express how much more alive you feel after realizing that God really speaks. THANK YOU GOD!

Anyways, Stephan and I spent a wonderful afternoon with his pastor´s family. Phil (I´m not supposed to call him Pastor) is from Indonesia and he did our marriage preparation course with us. We met him and his family 2 years ago when I visited Germany. His wife is called Katja and they have two children, Timmy and Louis.

Lovely lunch with rice and Chilli Con Carne

That´s home-made apple strudel with vanilla ice-cream and cappucino! Yup, its normal to haf desserts after meals, n yes most german women can cook very well.... stress! I got the recipe for the above though! Can experiment!

That´s me with Timmy; Stephan´s with the 2 boys

Walk in the park... nice weather! About 20 degrees or less.

That´s me trying so hard to steer the tricycle properly

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