Dear Sammy
Our beautiful, cute, not-so-little firstborn. Mummy misses the time when I had all the time in the world to write about you.
These days, you're little Gabriel's side-kick, always photo-bombing his daily photos such that I hardly have any photos without the two of you in it. We love you so much, even if you do drive us up the wall with your 2-year old antics.
One thing that changed drastically after your 2nd birthday is your ability to talk SO.MUCH.MORE!
Wow. Daddy and Mummy are so impressed at how much you are blabbering now. You repeat words all the time and you're even able to string words together like "Mama's car" or "Papa's car" or "turn on please".
It took a while for Mummy to teach you the word "please", but its nice to see how you're beginning to use it. It's very important to be polite young man.
It's incredible how you have even started saying words without us ever "teaching" them to you. It's seems as if your brain strored up all those passive vocabulary when you would listen in on our conversation and now you're verbalizing everything that you've heard.
It's quite funny how you called Daddy "Stephan" the other day and even "beanie" today. LOL. "Beanie" is Daddy's and Mummy's nickname for each other.
Once while Daddy threw you upside-down into the air, your leg accidentally hit the ceiling lamp and one of the bulbs broke. Guess what you did?
You rampaged through one of the cupboards in your room and actually managed to find the exact replacement bulb! How on earth you managed to figure out where we kept the bulbs continues to astound us.
You seem to have figured out how to open a child-proof drawer. We're not sure if its coincidence, but you have successfully managed to turn the fastener such that you were able to open Daddy's office drawers. Argh. We would have to monitor you and see if we might have to do a massive revamp of those child-proof fasteners at home.
- You helped Mummy to do some household chores (ie. vacuuming the floor)
You have a fascination with the vacuum cleaner and would often pull out the wire to try and "imaginery vacuum" at home.
Once when baby kept crying and Mummy was unable to vacuum the kitchen in peace, she had the brilliant idea of getting you to help out!You absolutely loved it!
Ok, it did take wayyy longer for you to vacuum the kitchen, but the end result was an absolutely-clean kitchen without Mummy ever having to lift a finger! :)
- You went for your first-ever lantern walk
Your smiles and absolute delight at your lantern totally made my heart melt!!!!
Mummy's not a very crafty person but at that very moment, she could totally understand why other Mummies make things for their children. It's sooo heart-warming to see you appreciate something that I made! :)
Look at how happy he looked!
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The last photo makes me a bit nostalgic. It's like "Bye Mom. I love you but I'm gonna start my own life now" |
You're one little poser! Once when we were running late and Mummy couldn't wait to get out of the door, you insisted on getting something at home. Since you were unable to express what you wanted, Mummy had to follow you back in to see what on earth you were crying about!
It turned out that you wanted to bring your sunglasses for your children gym. It was around 5pm, there was no sun and it was pretty dark. BUT you simply had to wear sunglasses and be the cool dude.
You're growing wayyy too fast little one. I feel like your child-likeness is seeping through my fingers and a day is never long enough for me to savour your cuteness.
That said, there are moments during when you're quite impossible to understand.
You're a pretty fussy eater. You don't eat vegetables unless they are well-hidden. You love bread and pasta but can't seem to care much for rice. You have a very short window of opportunity during meal times when you would open your mouth and swallow food (5-7 mins?). Mummy's amazed at how you still have a healthy weight for your height inspite of the fact that you do eat like a mouse.
You absolutely adore all sweet things. Fruit juice, bread with jam, cakes, chocolate, ice-cream are some of your favourite snacks. Obviously you don't have them often, so when you do, you love your little treats.
Speaking of treats, you seem to have developed a liking for Singaporean snacks like bak kwa (barbecued meat) and pork floss. Mummy likes the fact that you share her taste buds BUT these snacks are too precious as they can only be imported directly from Singapore.
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Evidence of you eating away my precious Singaporean treats |
You're such a loving bigger brother
It's so easy to see how you adore Gabriel. You're constantly hugging, kissing and caressing him. Although there are moments when we can see that you'd want more attention from Mummy and Daddy, in general, you're one proud big brother.
Left: Ok, that ain't the most ideal photo to show brotherly love. LOL.
Now, that looks more like what I'm talking about!
We can't believe that you're going to be celebrating your 3rd Christmas with us already! It's been so wonderful having you in our lives. We continue to pray that the Lord will mould and grow you into His own image.
First Christmas with 2 kids |
Thank you Lord for blessing me with 3 amazing guys in my little family |
Loving you always
Mummy & Daddy
lol super duper cute video of Sammy helping you to vacuum. I laughed out loud when I heard you Pris going "here Sammy, some more, some more! There too!" wahaha Pris.. he's such a good boy, can help with household chores already!
Cant wait to see you and your beautiful family soon. Counting down!! :)
Belinda - Oh hahah. Is it really that funny? Yeah its nice when he helps out with the household. But he doesn't do that very often, cos I'm still much faster than him.
We can't wait to see u and Ki. soon too!!! Not too long to go!
so Sammy's just the sweetest little boy i've met! i was laughing throughout the video. loved how thorough he was in cleaning below the cabinets.
Bern - Hahah, glad that you found the video funny. He can be a pretty funny and sweet boy.
Cute and sweet boy you have there ...
You know, right, you can just buy the paper lantern from any supermarket for Martinumzug .. I am sure next year, when Sammy goes to kindergarten, he will made one ..
BTW, I am married to a German too ..
CL - Thanks a lot! I checked out your blog / link and realized that it's private. Are u Singaporean too? Do u have kid(s)?
I wanted to try making a lantern on my own since it looked so easy on youtube. But I realized that with soft paper, it was a bit filmsy. It was worth the effort though! Yeah, Sammy will make it in kindergarten next year...but only in Sept. Wanna wait till he turns 3!
Hi there,
Go to the link and register your name and your password. I just need to approve it on my side.
Married with 2 kids .. :)
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