We had so much fun hanging out with family, friends and new Mummy friends. Ohh and this boy got soooo many presents! We're so thankful as first-time parents to receive such thoughtful gifts for him because we're usually at a lost for what to get, no thanks to the incredibly huge selection of toys they have these days!
Hubby and I are not much of deco people. While we enjoy looking at home deco in Ikea for example, we could never really
picture which item(s) would fit nicely in our own home. I
remember walking through Ikea with a friend of mine who singlehandedly
decorated our apartment for Christmas! Needless to say, we continue to use the same decorations till today.
This was also the first time that we had a party in the afternoon. It felt honestly quite weird. We're more accustomed to evening parties with wine until the wee hours of the morning rather than the café-style coffee and cake setting. Hah.
Our little boy enjoyed soaking in the limelight and we all had a blast! For those of you who came, thanks for making Samuel's first birthday such a memorable one for us! We hope you had as great a time as we did!
Just before the party. Our little apartment-cum-baby palace
First time we printed out Sammy's photos... amazing how he has grown!
Teddy bear banners
More decorations
In line with a kid's party, we packed up some sweets for the guests to take home
The buffet spread that complemented our Nespresso Cappucinoes / Espresso.
All self-made with the exception of MIL's yoghurt cake which was a hot favourite!
Sammy's first birthday cake! Can't believe my baby is one!
Singing "Happy birthday" to my baby filled me with so much pride for him!
A chocolate-cum-banana cake baked by Samuel's Godmother. Isn't she so talented?
It IS fun to be one when everybody still does everything for you!
Some of the early birds
Left: Thank you Aunt Andrea and Uncle Shawn for your lovely gift from the U.S!
Right: The top of the world feeling sitting on another present!
All that lovely presents made September feel like Christmas!
Yup, that's his general response to opening his presents!
We were so busy, this was the only family shot we got the whole day!
Hey, do you want something to eat?
Thanks Tina & Frank for coming by and hanging out with us kids!
This pix was just too funny to not put on my blog
Some of our guests enjoying the sunshine on our balcony
Love this kodak father-son moment
Yup! That's about it! Our little boy has crossed the 1-year milestone. I don't really want him to grow up because he's so sweet and beautiful the way he is. But I want to embrace every season of life together with him. And as he grows, I pray that I will also grow in my role as a Mother and as a wife to my beloved husband.
Pris, I'm so glad Sammy likes the t-shirt .. it looks great on him! :)
Pris, I'm so glad Sammy likes the t-shirt .. it looks great on him! :)
Sammy and his little plastic orange spoon is just heart-meltingly adorable! Amazing how the simple things keep him so entertained.
Andrea - Yes he does! But pity summer is coming to an end, so dunno how often I can wear it on him!
Bern - Yeah that's true. I mean, he needs other toys to keep him entertained too besides his spoon. I'm his number one entertainer! haha.
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