"Trust in the LORD and do good;
Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD
And he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:3-4
We had our leaders´meeting at church last Friday. It was awesome! I was really blown away.
My spirit was soo uplifted, my soul was at rest and I felt so recharged and renewed by God´s presence.
PLUS, I received Rhema word(s) from God. It was as if the entire sermon was just for me! Pastor spoke from the 2 verses in Psalms above. I´ve always liked those verses, especially verse 4 and have even highlighted it in my Bible.
1) Trust in the Lord
To trust in God means to trust in His character, to be confident in His goodness, His might, His love and to take the Bible at face value. To claim His promises and to proclaim it with my mouth. Afterall God made the earth by proclaiming,"Let there be light" and there was light. Likewise there is power is what we say.
2) To (continue) do good
Especially when one is going through a tough time. Many times my energy is sapped away when I focus on the negative things in my life.
But when I continue to do good, by being faithful to what God puts on my plate, eg. keeping my house clean, cooking one meal after the next, investing time into our youth cell group, doing my best teaching....It gives me a sense of purpose by knowing that I´m doing something useful with my hands.
3) Dwell in the land
To perservere. Not to leave when things are tough, but to stick my heels in with a backbone made of steel. That I wouldn´t leave (geographically) until God tells me to.
This is my rhema word! I´ve been praying about going to Bible school. The only catch about this is that it would be in Singapore.
It has been my dream for years to go for Bible school where I finally get to learn the theological and historical background of how the 66 different books fit together.
I wanted to be able to invest the time to finally understand the Bible in its entirety and not just bits and pieces of it.
I´m also the type of person who prefers to attend a school since the structure offers by a course forces me to be disciplined in my learning.
However, I couldn´t bear the long-distance with the hubby. Bible school in Germany would be 4 times as expensive and I would have had to wait until Sept 2010, instead of joining the Feb 2010 school in Singapore. - Yeap, I´ve done all my research and have even got accepted into the school.
The more I prayed about it though, the more I just couldn´t get the peace to go. And suddenly on Friday, this part of the verse made so much sense to me!! I knew that that this is the answer that I´ve been praying for, for sooo long.
So yeah, though have to shelf my dream (again), I know that God has spoken to me! That means so much more to me than my desires of my heart.
4) Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart
Yeah, this is the favourite part of the verse. I truly believe that my hubby and I will attend Bible school together one day and until that day comes, I shall just continue to pray until it does. For now, I shall explore some online Bible course and attempt to do some self-study.
Hi, I like this post and the verse and how you've broken it down bit by bit. I'm inspired by your faith and trust in Him. Though I've only recently came across your blog after stumbling on your comments in Tripadvisor, I thought I should make myself known instead of being anonymous (which is actually my first). Good to know that someone out there has some really similar life experiences to myself. All the best and keep up with all the inspirational posts!
Hey Lil Ms Meanie,
So great to hear from you! Its funny how you´re called "meanie" because that´s what my hubby and I call each other, uh-hmm when we´re mean to each other.
Cool that you stumbling upon my blog on tripadvisor! :) I love that website!
I realized that you have a privatised blog? Do you blog often? What do you blog about?
Oops, I forgot to leave my name. I'm Geraldine. Pleased to meet you! hehe, being mean is a second hobby of mine, and I'm praying that He may stop me from being so mean to my friends all the time.
I was researching for a trip to Nice and saw the reviews you had.
The blog as the name suggests, are for a bunch of 'geeks' like us, though I beg to differ. It was really set up by a friend because a couple of us were moving from Oz to Europe. So its really a way of updating our lives here and a form of communication with those back home. It's actually shared by all of us, which is why we decided to keep it private since that was the only purpose of the blog.
Thought I should leave my contacts: lil.ms.meanie@gmail.com
Hey Geraldine!
Great to know your name! :) Hi, I´m Priscilla. Are you on facebook? I´ve got a FB account too, so perhaps we could exchange details? Since I don´t usually keep in touch via email much.
So you´re from Oz! Which part? I was in Melbourne when I was 18, loved it!
Are you going to Nice then? But its aumtumn now...so perhaps summer time would be nicer?
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