Monday, July 01, 2013

Pregnancy #2 - 39 weeks

What we did for playgroup today - The American flag in the form of a hat. Let's see if baby #2 makes his appearance before or after America's Independence Day (4th of July)

4 more days to go... I've officially hit 39.5 weeks!

So much for thinking that baby would make an early appearance.... I now have a feeling that I'm going to hit 40 weeks eventually.

Sammy was born at 41 weeks so even if baby #2 comes at 40 weeks, he would still be a full week earlier than his older brother.

How am I feeling?

Well, things are still going fine, except that I'm getting rounder, heavier and more easily exhausted. I have also had some common late pregnancy ailments - which details I shall spare you here. But for those who've been preggy before, you probably know what I'm talking about.

We're pretty much set for the arrival of the little one. We've washed the newborn clothes, got a double stroller and re-organised / cleaned / tidied-up Sammy's room as much as we could.

Funnily enough, our 7-year old fridge has also been replaced, our dishwasher has been repaired and we have been doing miscellaneous repairs around the house. I guess it was good that the electric appliances spoilt before baby is born, so as to save us the trouble of repairing them while having to take care of a newborn.

Since we're expecting another boy, we hardly bought anything new for him except for three Mickey Mouse onesies which I couldn't resist during our trip to Singapore. Oh, I did get a Boppy pillow as well just because the nursing pillow that I had with Sammy is wayyy to big and not firm enough to breastfeed.

Hence, it was really heartwarming to receive new presents from friends from around the world for #2.

I was particularly touched to receive a huge parcel by a friend, Eloise whom I recently got to know online. Her due date was actually one week before mine but her little man came 4 weeks earlier. I thank God for blessing me through her out of the blue. I came home one day to receive not one but two parcels from Amazon.

For a while, I was quite taken aback because I remember only ordering the Boppy pillow, so I had no idea why I had 2 boxes. As it turned out, the other box came directly from the U.S. and not only was baby #2 blessed with 2 new swaddles (one as a backup while the other is in the wash), Sammy also received some new toys to play with!

Another friend Sarah, also blessed us with a "worship" onesie for #2, together with some Singaporean food spices to satisfy my cravings.

Aren't they all such thoughtful gifts? I could really feel the love of God flowing through them to me! :)

Presents from my friend, Sarah (Sweden)

There were 2 swaddles, but one is in the wash. Presents from Eloise (U.S.)

That was just a short update for those of you who might interpret my silence on my blog as a sign that I have already given birth.

I'm relaxed, excited, anxious, nervous and everything else in between. Poor hub has had to deal with a chameleon of ever-changing emotions the past few days (weeks?).

No worries, I will update the blog once #2 has made his appearance - give or take a couple of days of hospital stay.

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