Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas everyone!

As most of you would know by now, thanks to the Facebook, we're preggers again!

Ok, in my "mild" enthusiasm, I came up with two ways to break the news, but finally decided on the second photo instead, cos I thought it would be cuter if Sammy was the one who announced that his little sibling is in the making.

I'm SOOOO relieved that this secret is finally out! I'm not one who's good at keeping secrets! Ever since we found out we were pregnant - when we were on holiday in Teneriffe, Spain no less, I've been bursting to tell the world!

But the more prudent thing is to wait out the first 12 weeks. We did tell close friends and family of course so that they could pray for us.

We're soooo over the moon that our #2 is baking already. For those who might know, we did wait quite some time to conceive Sammy. And since he was born via Caesarean, the doctors told me to avoid getting pregnant before Sammy turns one, so that my C-section scar had time to heal.

In any case, the last thing on my mind was to get preggy again when I was looking after a little baby! However, when Sammy turned one, it was like a little switch turned on in my uterus and I was all broody about wanting the next baby again.

We reasoned that since it took so long with #1, the chances of it happening so soon with #2 is really slim. Man, were we in for a pleasant surprise!!! Looks like our #2 couldn't wait to join the family, so before I knew it, I saw the double lines again. Even hubby was in disbelief that he told me he'd wait till the doctor confirmed it *men* :)

Yup yup, fast forward 12 weeks, baby is fine and growing well. It is 3 days faster in growth for now. I really hope that my #2 would NOT come out at 41 weeks like Sammy did, cos Sammy was born at a whooping 4.06kg and 55cm! I'm really hoping and praying for a normal VBAC.

For myself, I'm still ravenous for local food but other than that, I'm doing fine. My whole family is currently down with the usual winter cold but we trust God that it will be over soon!!!

Yup yup! That's about it for now. We hope we made your day and may this Christmas be ultra special to you, cos Jesus loves you and He came down to earth just to show us that!


Bern said...

Congrats dear! Can't wait to meet the little one!

Pris said...

Bern - Thanks sis! Me too. But I'm not looking forward to labour though. :/

elainegan said...

wow brave you, 2 bubs under 2yrs old! big congrats! I had a c-sec too, and the flabbiness hasn't gone flat yet, sagging looking flabs puts me off to have more kiddos, lol!
can't wait to read more about bub no.2 :)

Pris said...

Elaine - Hey dear! Thanks!

No lar!! Not brave. Sammy will be about 22 months when #2 is born, so it will only be 2 under 2 for 2 months. Wah, that's a lot of 2s! lol.

I joke with hubby that once we're done having kids, I wanna go Marie France to get rid of all those flab!!! It's crazy man! Before I got preggy, I didn't have THAT much flab!!!

elainegan said...

Lol, yes alot of 2s there! If only I have extra $$$ for a tummy tuck but hubs is forbidding me to step foot into one forever, ha!

Pris said...

Elaine - LOL. I don't know what a tummy tuck entails, but it does sound quite invasive. I heard that Marie France does massages / natural stuff that helps one to lose weight. Hmmmm... I guess the best thing is to exercise, which is sth I enjoy doing but I don't have the luxury of doing it as often as I want to these days!


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