Monday, September 15, 2008

German trains

What´s it with me and the German transport system lately?

My hubby had to fetch me to Plochingen (about 45mins away) today, because I missed my train!

I usually take the 7am S-bahn to the main station, where I take a regional train to Plochingen every Monday. Today, I was walking to the train station at 6.55am (I normally take only 2 mins), when I saw my train arriving the station. I was shocked, cos the train was 5 mins early. I could no longer run for the train cos I wouldn´t be able to make it down the underpass and up within less than a minute.

Devastated, I walked home when I asked my hubby if he could fetch me to Plochingen. That´s when it suddenly dawned on me that the "early" train could actually have been the 6.45am train that was delayed 10 mins! Hence, my train would still be coming in 5 mins! By the time I got out of the house and walked back to the station, history repeated itself before my very eyes. The train came in and I was again still too far to run for the train.

Oh boy!!!! Can´t believe myself. My hubby ended up driving me there and due to all the traffic congestion in the direction of the city, I ended up being just-on-time! That´s the only positive thing that happened. And oh, of course that my hubby was at home to bring me there....I already thought that if my hubby was in Klav (some other city), I would have resorted to calling the FIL! hahaha.....

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