Above: That´s my beanie trying to stretch his back so that his bones are back in position. Only problem is that he´s pretty inflexible, so nothing really happens. Saw what he did and his facial expression was hilarious! So had to laugh, he´s trying to imitate some kungfu guy.....
Today´s the exact day of our 2.5years anniversary together. What a bliss to be married to my dear hubby. I´m really thankful to God for watching over us through these 2.5 years and I can honestly say that I really enjoy and love my hubby so much more now than I did before. Of course we still have our share of quarrels and struggles, but we´re learning to accept ourselves as WIP (work-in-progress) and God is not done with us yet. Looking back, God has really used this marriage to mold and sharpen both of us. Right now, my molding point is non-other than not to get into this super foul mood whenever I start cleaning up my place. I become this monster and start yapping at my dear hubby at almost everything that I´m not happy with (i.e. things lying around the house, things that don´t bother me normally but when I´m cleaning up, I can literally feel my horns growing). I have to stop myself in mid-way, calm myself down somewhere where I can be alone and try to be a civilised person again. "With God all things are possible".... Dear Holy Spirit, please help me to think before I talk and leave things unsaid when I´m pissed off so that I won´t sin in my anger. Amen.
On another note, my dear hubby has been staying at home to study since the beginning of August. I so do enjoy having him around. Its like back in the days when I came to visit him in Germany and we spent all the time together. He´s such a playful sweetie and always try to find stuff to distract him. I come home from work and find that the clothes have been washed and hung up, the dishwasher has been cleared and today, for the first time....the bed was packed when I got home! AMEN!
Oh and one more thing that my dear hubby reminded me.... its also the 2-yr anniversary of being in Germany.... wow, amazing how time flies (now when I look back, not when I´m going thru it). Yay, I definitely feel more adjusted and at home here. Still have my cravings for Sg food, that´s when Prima Taste comes to the rescue..... just that I´m running out of my limited stock of Prawn stock! Gonna need to know how to make my own...
Dear sweetie,
what a wonderful wonderful blog entry. I feel so cherished and blessed to be married to the best girl in the world. Will be working together for many many more 2.5 year anniversaries with our love becoming stronger and deeper all the time.
I love you. Muaks.
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh... :)
Dear hubby! So sweet of you to drop a comment on my blog.FYI (he reads it often but doesn´t comment often). Ich liebe dich mein Schatz von ganzem Herzen!
Jie Jie!
Ich vermisse dich! Vielen Dank für dein "ahhhh" hahaha..... Geht´s dir gut? Wie war Holgars Vorstellunggespräch in Frankfurt?
Miss you, too, lovely.
Holger's interview in Frankfurt was really good but he will start in Cologne on 1 November (have just checked out flights to there). There's more to that but will tell you all about it when I see you or when we talk on the phone as it's a bit much and complicated to type it all out here.
On another note... I have my first job interview with HSBC tonight, was only told this morning so am extremely unprepared and will have to wing it tonight but I'll be fine for sure. ;) Fingers crossed though, prayers welcome, too. I reckon I might need all the help that I can get. Not even wearing a suit... :(
See you soon. Has Belinda booked her xmas flights yet?
Dear Sabrina! Oh wow, that´s a lot of new changes! Would you be able to write an Email perhaps? Or should we arrange a telephone call? :) Would love to find out more from you! Oh and I just read your message! Nevertheless, said a prayer for you! How did your interview go? Oh Belinda, I have no idea! Need to ask her. Perhaps I´d do that when she comes over to visit in Nov. She wants to do that and maybe come over in Dec again.
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