Monday, July 28, 2008

Myself - tired these days

I think I hit a super low on a physical and mental state cos I was so busy! One week I was working only 11 hours, the next, I had to work 26.5 hours. That´s not a lot of hours, but I´m just not able to settle into a fixed routine.....Plus, I thought that I could still bake muffins (to bless Stephan´s tax class) and Nong Hiang - Hokkien meat rolls for a Chinese cookout. That´s a whole lot of work, that my mom only did during Chinese New Year. Once, I ended up sleeping at 2am cos I thawed the frozen berries before leaving for a birthday party and coming back at midnight, only to realize that I needed to use the berries for the muffins and could not postpone the baking.....

Things I did when I was so tired:
- Forgetting the sugar in the muffin dough (I had to scoop out the dough from the muffin tray, add the sugar and re-distribute it)
- Taking the keys to go to the supermarket and realizing that I misread the time
(I thought it was 7pm when it was actually 8pm! Supermarkets close at 8pm, so I didn´t manage to buy my stuff)
- Forgetting my listening comprehension CD in my English class and ended up asking them to read through the conversations instead
- Falling asleep in trains and buses (which I haven´t done so for the longest time)

My Ngoh Hiang with chinese cabbage

That´s my chilli chicken....still haven´t gotten it to the point when the spicyness is bearable yet...

Stephan´s lunchbox- leftovers from dinner


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the busy world..I think I knew of one lovely lady who had worked on an average 60 hr week; washed clothes daily; ironing every alternate days; fetching two little girls every Friday night from her mum's home and returning every Sunday night...for the first 5 years of marriage...until she had the blessing of a domestic helper...
While in the midst of mindless busyness, find time to seek spriritual solitude...Will be amazed the additional strength granted from on high...
Be balance and you will be fine...

Pris said...

Dear Dad. Thanks. Yah that´s what I´m trying to do these days too. To spend more time with God and reading my Bible. It helps a lot. I should be doing this more regularly. :) Nice talking to you today! I don´t remember staying with grandma for the first 5 years of my life. No recollection at all..but yah, that´s a whole lot of work! That´s one of the reasons why we would want to wait a bit before having kids.

Anonymous said...

Bringing lovely children in this world is wonderful and is ultimately the best gift that one could ask of God...
It did not occur to us that it was a burden as we had casted our cares upon Him for he cares for us.
We considered such work as joyous, seeing these beautiful sweet babies and sweet girls brought us laughter, happiness, gladness, blessedness, peacefulness and a sense of fulfilment and also binding parenthood...
If you wish to look and feel young again, have babies......and replenish the earth.........cheers..

Pris said...

Dad you very funny leh! I simply had to laugh as I read your post! It sounds like one of those Singapore "three is good" or "two is enough" adverts. Yah, I know...there´s always pros and cons of having kids. I think what´s most important is that Stephan and I are prepared mentally and spiritually, psychologically to be parents. We´re find about waiting a while longer, since I did get married young.... most of my friend only got married this year...and we´ve been married for 2.5 yrs already....


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