I watched the super mega-hyped up Blueman Group on Sunday with my beanie.
Yup, talk about a packed weekend. We went straight from the wedding to a leaders´meeting that lasted until 7pm (stayed behind to talk to our leaders), were so tired that we hit the sheets at about 10plus and slept till 11.30am (for me at least). Went to the evening church service and straight to the Blueman group at 7pm - without dinner. Ate dinner at 9.30pm before going home and sleeping by about 11plus.
The show was very loud, entertaining, creative and I liked the way they integrated German culture into the show. It had a bit of satirical humor, poking fun at the way people are so stuck on the internet now that they have neglected "real" people - quite true.
Anyways, at one scene they had 3 different posters and we were supposed to choose which one to read. They would then give you 10 seconds for each poster, before flipping to the next one, such that its impossible to read all three. The content of it all turned out to be a long-running German kids series (hier kommt die Maus), similar to Sesame Street, but for older children with a lot of general knowledge. I, for one, couldn´t read as quickly as the typical German, so for half the time, I was like trying so hard to figure out the contents and of course my dear hubby couldn´t help me, since he himself didn´t have enough time to read on his own......that was the only part when the language barrier hit me.
However, we both felt that the show was not worth 75€. I would personally have preferred spending the money on a musical instead. At least we have had our first experience of "high-end" living...doing the European stuff of going to the theatre...that was a great experience in itself......Oh and yah, one in German! Beat that!
Other than that, it was an evening well-spent. They included some participants in the show too, but I wonder if those "participants" were in fact "planned" in advance. Have you seen this show before? What do you think about it?
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