Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Youth Christmas party 2007

We had our annual youth Christmas party on the 18th of December 2007 - I know, its so late...but never late than never. That explains why I was so tired! I had 2 parties at my place in 3 days! hahaha. This time we made it evangelistic, by telling the youths to invite their non-Christian friends.

It was a challenge, cos most of them of come from Christian homes and their closest friends are pretty much those who go to the same church with them and grew up together. Well, the turn out was not too bad, we had about 4 newcomers and at least 3 non-Christians. It was pretty fun, we had a program which included a person sharing his testimony about God, another one reading out a Christmas story - not the Mary and Joseph one but a modern interpretation of Christmas.
We also had present exchange, lots of food- i made curry puffs and spring rolls (request of the youths) and I gave a little speech to thank the youths for a superb year with each of them. Its quite frustrating sometimes, I must add, when they simply blabber in their superly fast german AND Schwabish and I'm like "Whatever! I don't understand a word!" kinna thing...and like today, they talk and look only at Stephan in the eye. Its like I felt I wasn't even there!

Most Tuesdays before they come to our house, I'm always a wreck of nerves - like the, "hmm, dunno how cell will go, or if the topic is fine....or Monday evenings are sometimes worse, cos we have to prepare the topic and sometimes it can take up to 2 hours! However, that said it is still a privilege and honor to be their cell leaders. The benefits do outweigh the cost, cos I know that we're doing it for God and not for Man.

Soon these youths are all gonna to University and each will have their own paths to take and yet another season of our lives would be over, but for now, I intend to enjoy them as much as I can...its so awesome to have a ministry with Stephan too. I realize that both of us make such a complementary team! He's a superb "discussion leader" somewhat like Kairen (my ex-co-cell leader), while I'm more the group work, creative type of person.....

The yummilicious spread....my spring rolls and curry puff in the foreground and background respectively

The two jokers who insisted on standing on the sofa to sing while the rest stood on the floor

The present exchange under a blanket

Alrighty..."Thank you God for setting us in this position of cell leadership. May You continue to use us as your worktools and that we may be your voice and instruments that You can touch and change the lives of the Youth....Amen!"

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