Krabi - our honeymoon spot for 3 weeks. We´re going to visit again tomorrow! Yah, wir sind sehr schwer zur Entscheidung gekommen, nach Krabi zu fliegen. It was only after many changes in our itinerary that we decided on Krabi again.
Anyways, our time in Singapore is running out! We come back from Krabi on Thursday night and from then, we only have 5 days left. Its been a mad rush meeting up with ppl, squeezing in appointments, trying to catch up with 1-yrs´worth of news from friends, getting stuff 2 bring back to Germany and all this while, trying to enjoy being back in Singapore.
I mean I enjoy it, I really do. However it does not change the fact that its like tiring after a while cos its too little time, too many people. Haven´t had the time or mood actually to blog, cos our home internet connection is pretty unstable and sometimes we can´t get connected or the connection crawls. Plus photos take an eternity to load, so have only managed 2 ptos so far.
Well some updates between last post and this post:-
- I had durian poisoning. Yup! I ate a S$9 durian (supposed to be gd quality) and it tasted heavenly! But I got home and spent the next 3 hours puking. I seriously think Germany changed my stomach! I´ve never had durian poisoning before!
-My tummy was out-of-order for a couple of days. That left me real upset, cos I really wanted to eat! And I couldn´t. Oh and to re-iterate my point, I ate a famous Laksa the other day and I had massive diarrhoea too. Geez!
I really can´t recall a lot of what I have been doing. Cos I normally use photos to re-cap my memory, but since I can´t post photos now, I can´t remember! OH and I just burnt my Bo Luo bun - from Crystal Jade bakery, the famous BBQ pork meat bun. I can´t believe it! It was 100% burnt, I put 5 mins in the microwave instead of just 1 min.
Will post properly when we settle back in Germany. Stephan and I are flying off on 11th of September at 2pm, arriving Frankfurt Tuesday 10pm. Then we´re heading off to Hungary for a wedding on Thursday 13th of Sept and staying till Monday 17th of September....Dunno how its all gonna work out with the dirty clothes....We´ll see.
Oh zu Anita: Ich habe eine Nachricht für dich. Meine Tanten haben dir ein Geschenk gekauft! Ich bin sehr neugierig, weil ich überhaupt keine Idee hatte, dass sie etwas für dich kaufen würden. Ja! Ich sag erst Bescheid, damit du auch voll mit Neugier wirst! hahahah!
Hauke und ich haben uns tot gelach, als ich Dein Blog gelesen habe (ich habe ihm vorgelesen), hahaha! Ihr habt ja eine lustige und abenteure Reise hinter Euch:)
Liebe Connie!
Ich habe nicht gewusst, dass du etwas auf meinem Blog geschrieben hast! =) Naja, jetzt bin ich wieder in Deutschland und geht mein Bauch auch viel besser, haha.
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